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雅克菱 Hygienic effervescent tablets for braces, orthodontic handheld orthotics

Product information

Code 712002473567
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Status: New
In stock: 19 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 60
Price per 1 piece :
7.09 $11.40 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Mint, 30 pieces
11.40 $
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Vendor info

Name: 翊登义齿
Shop name: 翊登医疗器械口腔店
Shipping estimate: 4.67
Goods valuation: 4.67
Service evaluation: 4.67
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Brand: Jacques;
Model: Cleaning bubble tablet;
Sort by color: Mint, 30 pieces; Mint, 60 pieces; Sakura flavor-1 box 30 pieces; Sakura Flavor - 2 boxes 60 pieces; Apple, 30 pieces; Apple, 60 pieces; Orange flavor - 1 box 30 pieces; Orange flavor - 2 boxes 60 pieces; Pack of 60 pieces: 1 box of mint flavor + 1 box of cherry blossom flavor; Pack of 60 pieces: 1 box of mint flavor + 1 box of apple flavor; Pack of 60 pieces: 1 box of mint flavor + 1 box of orange flavor; Pack of 60 pieces: 1 box of cherry blossom flavor + 1 box of apple flavor; Pack of 60 pieces: 1 box of cherry blossom flavor + 1 box of orange flavor; Pack of 60 pieces: 1 box of apple flavor + 1 box of orange flavor;
Manufacturer: Jacques;
Applicable scene: Household;