Catalog Other sections اقسام اخرى Household cleaning products and personal hygiene products For washing and drying Dryers for clothes

Drying rack indoor, cooling duvet, simple clothing

Product information

Code 711889285055
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Status: New
In stock: 10 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 10000
Sales volume: 50
Price per 1 piece :
5.87 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 1.3 meters/non -stretching
5.87 $
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Vendor info

Name: 越图家居旗舰店
Shop name: 越图家居旗舰店
Located in: Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province , zhejiang
Shipping estimate: 4.6
Goods valuation: 4.5
Service evaluation: 4.7
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Sort by color: 1.3 meters/non -stretching; Upgrade double-pole 1.4 meters-not stretched and contracted; Bold double pole model 1.6 meters [Free telescopic] ❤️Send windproof clip; Bold double pole model 2.0 meters [Free telescopic] ❤️Send windproof clip; Bold double pole model 2.4 meters [Free telescopic] ❤️Send windproof clip; Three rod plus thick stable models 1.6 meters [Sending a solid rod] ⭐ drying is more stable; Three rod plus thick and solid models 2.0 meters [Give a solid rod] ⭐ drying is more stable; Three rod plus thick stable models 2.4 meters [Sending a solid rod] ⭐ drying is more stable; ❤️ Stainless steel double pole thick and thickened 1.6 meters [high cost more durable]; ❤️ Stainless steel double pole thick and thickened 2.0 meters [high cost more durable]; ❤️ Stainless steel double pole thick and thickened 2.4 meters [high cost more durable]; ❤️ Stainless steel three -shot stable model 1.6 meters [upgrade and reinforcement drying]; ❤️ Stainless steel three -shot stable model 2.0 meters [upgrade and reinforcement drying]; ❤️ Stainless steel three -shot solid model 2.4 meters [upgrade and reinforcement drying]; ⭐Extra thick all steel 1.6 meters❤️Extra thick pipe ❤️Mobile moisturizer ❤️Mobile moisturizer; ⭐Extra-thick all steel 2.0 meters❤️Extra-thick pipe ❤️Mobile; ⭐Extra-thick all steel 2.4 meters❤️Extra-thick pipe ❤️Mobile; Adapt high -steel special model 1.6钢 Long clothes without landing ⭐ can move; Gao Gong Steel Special 2.0 加 Changye is not available ⭐ to move can be moved; Adapt to high all steel special models 2.4钢 Long clothes can not be moved to the ground ⭐ can be moved; Double pole model 2.4 meters [free telescopic];