Catalog Goods for tourism and recreationبضائع السياحه والترفيه Sleeping bags

Snails, handheld keep warm sleeping bag for camping

Product information

Code 708346574863
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Status: New
In stock: 10 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
40.71 $9.70 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Quinoa gray (about 1.1kg/10ps)
9.70 $
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Name: shejia126
Shop name: 佳佳健身户外
Shipping estimate: 4.7
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 4.6
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Sort by color: Quinoa gray (about 1.1kg/10ps);
Brand: Naturehike;
Style: Leisure;
Sleeping bag, classification: Sleeping bag for camping;
Place of origin: China;
Number of applications: Individual;
Gross weight: About 1.1kg (excluding outer bag);
Price tag: 399;
Comfortable temperature label: 5 ℃ -15 ℃;
Extreme temperature label: -10 ℃;
Filling: Imitation feather cotton;
Goods number: CNH22SD004;
Applied season: Winter;
Measuring material: Cotton;
Suitable: Child;
Outdoor: Chunya Textile;
Shape: Mumini/Mate style;
Price range: 101-200 yuan;