Catalog Home Appliances ادوات منزليه Small Appliances Floor fans, table

Xianke Electric Fan Furniture Fan Fan Fan Fan remotely controlled air -conditioning fan dormitory static rental

Product information

Code 707933992065
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Status: New
In stock: 137 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 400
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Mechanical power cable, 76cm, 1.2m
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Vendor info

Name: 郴州龙晨电子商务有限公司
Shop name: 龙晨生活电器企业店
Shipping estimate: 4.72
Goods valuation: 4.64
Service evaluation: 4.84
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Sort by color: Mechanical power cable, 76cm, 1.2m; Power cable, 76cm, remote control, 1.2m; Mechanical power cable, 90cm, 1.5m; Mechanical, long, 90cm; Power cable, 90cm, remote control, 1.5m; Long, 90cm, remote control; Mechanical power cable, 110cm, 1.5m; 110cm high + mechanical [high-rise model] (2.5m extended cable); Power cable, 110cm, remote control, 1.5m; 110cm high + remote control [high-rise model] (2.5m extended cable); 105cm tower air -conditioning fan+mechanical upgrade model; 105cm tower air conditioning fan+remote control upgrade model;