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恒明医疗 Nasal aspirator for nasal washing, nasal cavity, children's bidet, salt solution

Product information

Code 706125781763
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1000
Sales volume: 1000
Price per 1 piece :
3.21 $2.55 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Nasal aspirator for nasal washing, 500 ml, temperature measurement
2.55 $
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Sort by color: Nasal aspirator for nasal washing, 500 ml, temperature measurement; [Explosion selection] 500ml nasal washing device+[60 bags of salt]+dual spray head+temperature test card; Set, nasal aspirator for nasal washing, sprayer, 500 ml, temperature measurement; 30 packs 4.5g special nose salt (30 pack/box); 60 packs 4.5g special nose salt (30 pack/box); 90 packs 4.5g special nose salt (30 pack/box); 5 packs 4.5g special nasal washing salt (small samples enjoyed); [Strong texture aluminum bottle spray] Physiological seawater spray 1 bottle without drug -free pregnant children available; [2 bottles of strong texture aluminum bottle spray] Physiological seawater spray is available without drug pregnant children; [3 bottles of strong texture aluminum bottle spray] Physiological seawater spray is available without drug pregnant children; [Strong texture aluminum bottle spray] 1 bottle of physiological seawater spray; Non -drug; Useful child; [2 bottles of strong texture aluminum bottle spray] Physiological seawater spray; [3 bottles of strong texture aluminum bottle spray] Physiological seawater spray;
Model: HM-XB1112;
Brand: Hengming Medical;
Place of origin: Chengdu;
Manufacturer: Chengdu Lan Run Biotechnology Co., Ltd.;
Execute standard number: Chuan Rongli Preparation No. 20190072;
Value-added services: Genuine guarantee;
For people: Adult, children, middle -aged and elderly nasal unwell Renqun;
Disease: Rhinitis; Nasal congestion; Sneeze; Runny nose;
Symptom: Sneeze; Runny nose; Nasal congestion; Itchy nose, dry nose;
Registration number: Chuan Rongli Preparation No. 20190072;
Buy hotspot: Deep cleansing nasal cavity, simple operation, complete accessories;
Medical Device Product Name: Hengming Medical Nose Washingware;
Nasal washing category: Manual nasal laundry;