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EssenceMini shed balcony courtyard greenhouse greenhouse greenhouse insulation sheds on the top of plant shading sunscreen

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Code 706047538881
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Status: New
In stock: 98 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
5.13 $14.86 $
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1.30 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 90 high 3 shots and 4 circles [Circle diameter 28cm]
16.16 $
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Name: 聚贤科技2
Shop name: 聚贤科技2
Shipping estimate: 5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 5
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Sort by color: 90 high 3 shots and 4 circles [Circle diameter 28cm]; Rain -proof; GHT13016P small house (130*90*150)pvc; Small house sunshade (130*90*150); Window sill (119*40*90); Double-grid entering-shade -Ghw002B; Double-grid entering-PE [White] GHW002W; Double-grid entering-PE [Green] -Ghw002G; Single-style-PE [Green] Open the window; Single-style-PVC-143*73*195; Single -entered shading; Single-style-PE [Green] -Ghw001g; Double-grid enter-PVC-139*139*195; Single in the formula-PE [White] -Ghw001W; Double-grid into the formula -P rainproof (white); Double-club walk-in sunshade + rainproof (white);
Brand: Other/Other;
Goods number: K54732d;
Suitable: Flowers/Green Plants/Bud Seedlings/Meat;
Applicable industry: Green Plant Gardening;