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[Snack Pack] Meixin Life mxlife butter crisp cake cake cake pastry afternoon tea

Product information

Code 701960491710
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 200
Sales volume: 200
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Selected configuration: Taste: Butter
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Vendor info

Name: MXLife美心生活旗舰店
Shop name: MXLife美心生活旗舰店
Shipping estimate: 4.87
Goods valuation: 4.81
Service evaluation: 4.85
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Taste: Butter; Bangzi flavor butter cookies; Hawaii fruit kernels and butter cookies; Original tonsil kernels; Lemon -flavored tonsil kernels; Chocolate -flavored tonsils; Original sweetheart crispy; Maple sweets sweetheart crispy; Hazelnut flavor sweet heart crispy; Coconut Sweetheart; Fragrant coffee cookies; Rice oat cookies; Chocolate cookie; Apple Oats Cooky;
Brand: MX; Life/Meixin Life;
Series: Small compact oil;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Province: Guangdong Province;
Packing: Pack;
Whether to import: Domestically produced;
Cake type: Cookies;
Net weight: 108g;
Storage conditions: Room temperature;
Production license number: SC12444070301377;
Factory name: Zhimeiya Food Co., Ltd.;
Site: 3 factory buildings of No. 13, Forty Road, Tangxia Town, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen City;
Factory contact information: 0750-2161013;
Storage method: Please place it in a cool and dry place;
Shelf life: 180;