Catalog Goods for child care ,product for expectant motherبضائع العنايه بالاطفال والنساء الحوامل Goods for child care Baby feeding сookware

IR Clip Child Baby Ponytail HOLDER Headband Hair Accessories

Product information

Code 697389574953
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume: 2
Price per 1 piece :
7.54 $6.41 $
Local delivery:
1.73 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
8.14 $
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Vendor info

Name: 小胖嘟嘟888
Shop name: 小胖嘟嘟888
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Sort by color: style-1; style-2; style-3; style-4; style-5; style-6; style-66; style-7; style-8; style-9; style-10; style-11; style-12; style-13; style-14; style-15; style-16; style-17; style-18; style-19; style-20; style-21; style-22; style-23; Milky white style-24; White style-25; Rice white style-26; Light gray style-27; Dark gray style-67; Gray style-28; Silver Style-29; Black style-30; Orange red style-31; Rose red style-32; Pink style-33; Red style-34; Horcho Style-35; Watermelon red style-36; Blushing Style-37; Khaki style-38; Ginger style-39; Bright yellow style-40; Apricot style-41; Lemon yellow style-42; Orange Style-43; Light yellow style-44; Fluorescent yellow style-45; Golden style-46; Champagne color style-47; Yellow Style-48; Milky white, white, beige, light gray, dark gray, gray, silver, black, orange, rose red, pink, red, cricket color, watermelon red, kaka color, ginger, bright yellow, apricot color, Lemon yellow, orange, light yellow, fluorescent yellow, gold, champagne, yellow, style-1, style-3, style-4, style-5, style-6, style-66, style-style-20, style-21, style-22, style-23;
Brand: Brand see details;
Goods number: See detailed model;
Suitable age: 4 month;
Material: Purple sand;
Place of origin: Taiwan, China;