Catalog Health and Beauty صحه والجمال Means for care of hair, wigs Hair care Conditioners

潘婷 Conditioner, revitalizing lotion, hair cream suitable for curly hair, essence, smooth hair effect

Product information

Code 694405185521
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Net weight:
Status: New
In stock: 11 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 200
Price per 1 piece :
6.44 $3.02 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Fragrance: Revitalizing lotion, essence, 200g
Net weight: 0g
3.02 $
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Vendor info

Name: 盛恒翔居家日用专营店
Shop name: 盛恒翔居家日用专营店
Located in: Hubei
Shipping estimate: 4.87
Goods valuation: 4.87
Service evaluation: 4.88
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Cosmetics filing number/registration certificate number: Cantonese G Makeup Word 2023006522;
Brand: Pan Ting;
Model: Smooth conditioner, serum, essence;
Fragrance: Revitalizing lotion, smooth moisturizing nutritious essence, shampoo, 200g, 200g, 200g, 200g, 200g, 400g, 400g, 750g, 750g, 750g, 750g, 750g, 750g; Revitalizing lotion, essence, 200g; Smooth essence, 200g; Moisturizing nutritious essence, 200g; Revitalizing essence, 200g; Essence, 200g; Revitalizing lotion, essence, 400g; Smooth essence, 400g; Revitalizing lotion, essence, 750g; Smooth essence, 750g; Revitalizing lotion, shampoo, essence, 750g, 750g; Smooth shampoo, essence, 750g, 750g;
Effect: Conditioner;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Whether to make a vendor: No;
Specification: Conventional item;
Types of packaging: Base package, pack;
Whether it is a special use cosmetics: No;
Whether to import: No;
Net weight: 0g;