Catalog Health and Beauty صحه والجمال Decorative cosmetics, perfumes Lip Gloss

Lip gloss, nutritious lipstick, mirror effect, plump lips effect

Product information

Code 692853567931
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 4000
Sales volume: 500
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: A01#a a 茶 a a
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Vendor info

Name: 1088949910
Shop name: 淼淼淼小哥
Shipping estimate: 4.40
Goods valuation: 4.25
Service evaluation: 4.40
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Name: Tea frozen;
Place of origin: China;
Sort by color: A01# White Peach Light Milk Tea,; B02#Sunset Orange Tea,; B03#Guava Peach Tea,; A04# Zhizhi Yingying,; C05# Fig Cheese,; C06# Explosive rock candy,; B07#Cherry Mint Ice,; A08# orange peel freshly wrung,; Any two packs #remarkable,; Two packs #1+2,; Two packs #1+5,; Two packs #3+4,; Two packs #3+5,; Two packs #5+6,; Two-pack #7+8,; Two packs #2+3,; Two packs #6+8,; Two packs #5+7,; Two packs #2+5,; Two branches#4+5; A01#a a 茶 a a; B02#Success Orange Tea; B03#Bale Peach Peach Tea; A04#a a a a; C05#Figs and fruits; C06#c c c c; B07#Cherry Mint Ice; A08#Orange peel fresh twisted; Any two loads#注 任 任 任; Two branches#1+2; Two branches#1+5; Two branches#3+4; Two branches#3+5; Two branches#5+6; Two branches#7+8; Two branches#2+3; Two branches#6+8; Two branches#5+7; Two branches#2+5; A01#a a a a, B02#a orange tea, B03#Bara peach tea, a04#a a a, c05#fig cheese, c06#burst juice rock sugar, b07#cherry mint ice, A08#orange peelFresh and twist, any two branches#can be remembered, two branches#1+2, two branches#1+5, two branches#3+4, two branches#3+5, two branches#5+6, two branches#7+8, two branches#2+3, two branches#6+8, two branches#5+7, two branches#2+5, two branches#4+5;
Cosmetics filing number/registration certificate number: Cantonese G Make -up Word 2020232728;
Suitable skin: Any skin;
Effect: Enhance the complexion,; Easy to color,; Not easy to discolor; Enhance; Colorful; Enhance the complexion, easy to color, not easy to decolor;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Whether it is a special use cosmetics: No;
Brand: oulesong;