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Japan -cutting part of the one -fourth divineer grinding powder cutting artifact tablets one point and two splitter portable drug box

Product information

Code 687665553920
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Status: New
In stock: 88 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1000
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Blue [1 point, 2+1 point 4 cutter] cut medicine with a small brush
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Vendor info

Name: 米粉智能企业店
Shop name: TONGUI严选企业店
Shipping estimate: 4.8
Goods valuation: 4.8
Service evaluation: 4.8
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Sort by color: Blue [1 point, 2+1 point 4 cutter] cut medicine with a small brush; Purple [1 point, 2+1 point 4 cutter] Cut the medicine with a small brush with a small brush; Green [1 point, 2+1 point, 3 cutter] cut medicine and abrasive powder to send a small brush; Gray [1 point, 2+1 point, 3 cutter] Cut the medicine for the powder and grind to send a small brush;
Brand: Jordan & Judy/John Town Judy;
Material: Plastic;
Goods number: TR022;