Product information
Code 687524533987
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Vendor info
Name: | 国货甄选旗舰店 |
Shop name: | 官方国货甄选 |
Shipping estimate: | 4.79 |
Goods valuation: | 4.69 |
Service evaluation: | 4.76 |
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Name: | 国货甄选旗舰店 |
Shop name: | 官方国货甄选 |
Shipping estimate: | 4.79 |
Goods valuation: | 4.69 |
Service evaluation: | 4.76 |
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Sort by color: | Simple with two wheels, with foam single wheel (not dual-purpose) no gifts; Six rounds of standard models (non -dual -use); Eight rounds of standard models (non -dual -use); [Bringing can sit] Bring the two -wheel brake double -handed eight -wheel reinforcement dual -use blue crystal climbing wheel; [Bringing can sit] Bring the brake double -handed eight -wheel reinforcement dual -use amethyst climbing wheel; [Bad] Double -handed eight -wheel reinforcement dual -use blue with stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; [Bad] Double -handed eight -wheeled reinforcement dual -use purple with stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; Double -handed eight -wheel reinforcement dual -use blue with stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; Double -handed eight -wheeled reinforcement dual -use purple with stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; Double -handed six -wheeled reinforcement dual -use with stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; Eight -wheeled reinforcement dual -use type with stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; Threat six rounds of reinforcement dual -use type with stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; Two rounds; Single bubble; (Non -use); No gift; Double -handed eight rounds; Reinforcement dual -use blue; With stainless steel crystal climbing wheel; Six rounds of standard models; Reinforced dual -use purple; Double -handed six rounds; Reinforcement dual; [Bad] double -handed eight rounds; Bold six rounds; Eight rounds of standard; Eight rounds; [Bringing can sit] Bring the two -handed brakes for eight rounds; Crystal climbing wheel; |
Brand: | Qihu (basic building materials); |
Goods number: | 10-06-001; |