Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Tableware, table Dryers

10cm kitchen sewing seam storage shelves floor ultra -narrow refrigerator seam gap against the small side of the wall to store storage container

Product information

Code 687120062958
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 50
Price per 1 piece :
14.87 $7.09 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Light luxury 9cm width 50 high 2 layers
7.09 $
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Vendor info

Name: 欢乐淘家居专营店
Shop name: 欢乐淘家居专营店
Shipping estimate: 4.3
Goods valuation: 4.7
Service evaluation: 4.6
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Sort by color: Light luxury 9cm width 50 high 2 layers; Light luxury 9cm wide 73 high 3 layers (main picture model); Light luxury 9cm width 84 height 3 floors plus height; Light luxury 9cm width 96 high 4 floors; Light luxury 9cm width 119 high 5 layers; 10cm wide 50 high 2 floors (limited special offer); 10cm wide 73 high 3 floors (limited special offer); 10cm wide 83 high 3 floors height; 10cm wide 96 high 4 layers; 10cm wide 106 high 4 layers height; 10 width 119 height 5 layers; 10 width 129 height 5 floors height; 10 width 63.5 height [3-layer/top cover design]; 10 width 73.5 height [3-layer heightening/top cover design]; 10 width 86.5 height [4-layer/top cover design]; 10 width 96.5 height [4-layer heightening/top cover design]; 10 width 86.5 height [4-layer #Raw Yellow Cover]; 10 width 96.5 height [4-layer heightened #Raw Yellow Cover]; 10 width 109.5 height [5-layer/top cover design]; 37 length 13 width 87 height [transparent small 4 layers; 12.5 Width [71 high 3 layers] Win Ding; 12.5 width 74 high (3 layers+large top lid); 14cm wide 74 high (3 layers+large top lid); 14 width 71.1 height [3 floors medium height without top]; 14cm wide 81 height (3 layers medium height + large top cover); 15 width 74 high (3 layers+large top); 15 width 81 height (3 layers medium height + large top cover) (magnified bottle); 15-width (3-layer extra-height + large top cover) (magnified bottle); 54-length 15.5-width universal wheel 3 layers (extended version); 54-length 15.5-width universal wheel 3-layer heightened (extended version); 54-length 15.5-width universal wheel 4 layers (extended version); 54-length 15.5-width universal wheel 4-layer heightened (extended version); 42 length 18.5 width 3 layers (recommended bottle recommendation); 42 long 18.5 wide 4 layers (recommended to enlarge bottle); 42 long 18.5 wide 5 layers (recommended to enlarge bottle); Light luxury 9cm width 1 layer;
Original description


