Catalog Goods for child care ,product for expectant motherبضائع العنايه بالاطفال والنساء الحوامل Goods for child care Baby buggies Three-wheeled stroller

Foldable stroller to go out with seat with headlight, can sit and lie, 3 years

Product information

Code 682066212217
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 2
Sales volume: 49
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Black [car + shock absorber wheel]
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Vendor info

Name: forever72742
Shop name: 佳佳爱玩具店
Shipping estimate: 4.60
Goods valuation: 4.50
Service evaluation: 4.56
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Sort by color: Black [car + shock absorber wheel]; Black [car + cushion + shock absorber]; Black [car + cushion + storage bag + shock absorber wheel]; Pillow, shock-absorbing storage system; Black [car + cotton cushion + pillow + storage bag + bell]; Pillow, storage system, shock-absorbing canopy; Pillow, canopy, storage system, shock-absorbing backpack; Pillow, backpack, canopy, shock-absorbing storage system; Caramel color [car + shock absorber wheel]; Caramel color [car + cushion + shock absorber]; Caramel color [car + cushion + shock absorber + sunshade]; Starry Black [car + shock absorber wheel + cool mat]; Starry Black [car + shock absorber wheel + cool mat + Peng]; Starry Black [car + shock absorber wheel + cool mat + bang + cloth basket + headrest]; Starry Black [car + shock absorber wheel + cool mat + Peng + cloth basket + headrest + portable storage bag]; Khaki shock-absorbing mat; Khaki [car + shock absorber wheel + cool mat + Peng]; Khaki [car + shock absorber wheel + cool mat + bang + cloth basket + headrest]; Khaki shock-absorbing mat, handheld storage bag;
Model: 003;
Brand: Other/Other;
Manufacturer model: 003;
Commodity barcode: 123;
Suitable age: 9 month; 2 years; 4 years; 13 month; 15 month; 6 month; 16 month; 12 month; 3 years; 14 month;
Place of origin: Other overseas regions;
Load: 25kg;
Types of packaging: Base package, pack;
Type: Light driver (weight less than 7.5kg);