Catalog Food and drinks ماكولات ومشروبات Sweets Candy

Holly Mint Mint at midnight storm strong cooling 34g*12 special fresh mouth, qi moisturizing throat candy snack food

Product information

Code 679634671543
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 8000
Sales volume: 500
Price per 1 piece :
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Vendor info

Name: 吃货妞妞食品旗舰店
Shop name: 吃货妞妞食品旗舰店
Located in: Shanghai
Shipping estimate: 4.82
Goods valuation: 4.82
Service evaluation: 4.83
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Taste: [5 pieces] Special/Shi Guo/Lime/Midnight/Blueberry; [5 pieces] Lemon/Shi Guo/Lemon/Midnight/Blueberry; [5 refreshing combinations] Midnight*2+Special Qiang*3; [3 fruit flavors] Blueberry 1+Lemon 1+ Shi Fruit 1; [2 punder 2] Special strength mint+midnight storm; [Dumps] Special strength mint 34g*2; [Rush volume] Midnight Storm flavor 34g*2; [Rush quantity] Midnight*2+Special Qiang*1; [3 punching volume] Special strong mint+midnight storm+assorted fruit flavor; [Rush volume] Midnight Storm 34G*3; [Rush quantity] Special strength mint 34g*3 pieces; [Equivalent to 5 special strong mint] 50 grains of mint*1 bag; [Equivalent to 5 midnight storm] Midnight storm 50 capsules*1 bag; 【5】 Midnight Storm 34G*5; [5] Special strength mint 34g*5 articles; [5 pieces] Shi Guo flavor 34g*5; [9] Special/Midnight/Lime/Blueberry; [12 articles] Shigo/Special Mint/Midnight Storm; 【12 pieces of installation】 Lime/grapefruit/blueberry; [12 articles] Special strong mint/midnight storm; [12 articles] Shi Guo flavor+midnight storm; [8 pack] 5 flavors mixed; [3 hot sale] Midnight 1+special strong 1+ lemon fragrance 1; [3 pieces] grapefruit flavor 34g*3 pieces; [5 pieces] Lemon incense honey 34g*5; [5 pieces] Lime flavor 34g*5 articles; 【5】 Blueberry flavor 34G-5; [5 pieces] grapefruit flavor 34g*5 strips; 【9】 Special strength mint 34g*9 articles; 【9】 Midnight Storm 34G*9; [9 pieces] grapefruit flavor 34g*9 pieces; 【9】 Lime flavor 34g*9 articles; [9 pieces] Shi Guo flavor 34g*9 pieces; 【9】 Blueberry flavor 34g*9; [12 articles] Shi Fruit 34G*12 items; [12 articles] Special strong mint 34g*12 articles; [12] Midnight Storm 34G*12; [20 fruit flavors] Midnight/Lyne/Blueberry/Shi Guo; [20 refreshing gods] Midnight/Special Qiang/Lemon Honey/Shi Guo; 【20】 Midnight Storm 34G*20; [20 articles] Special strength mint 34g*20 articles; [20 pieces] Shi Guo flavor 34g*20 pieces; [20 pieces] grapefruit flavor 34g*20 pieces; [20 pieces] Lemon incense honey flavor 34g*20 pieces; [20 pieces] Lime flavor 34g*20 pieces; [20 pieces] Blueberry flavor 34g*20 pieces; [XS series] 0 sugar colorful fruit 15g*2 boxes; [XS series] Storm Mint 15g+colorful fruit 15g; [Cost -out] Haiyan lemon flavor 36 grains*1 bag; [3] Mixed flavor 34g*3 (available remarks); [5] Mixed flavor 34g*5 (available remarks); [10] Mixed flavor 34g*10 (can be remarkable flavor); [Article 15] Remarks, no remarks random issuance;