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Shanghai Golden Bell surgical scissors without coating scissors straight curved pointed round medical scissors disassembled thread scissors free shipping

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Code 676654960037
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In stock: 100 PCs
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Golden Bell J21010 surgical scissors 12.5 straight tip
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Vendor info

Name: 正品医疗超市
Shop name: 正品医疗超市
Shipping estimate: 4.88
Goods valuation: 4.87
Service evaluation: 4.87
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Production Date: November, 2023, 2024 years, 03 month;
Brand: Golden Bell (Medical Device);
Name: 1493;
Sort by color: Golden Bell J21010 surgical scissors 12.5 straight tip; Golden Bell J21030 surgical scissors 12.5 straight circle; Golden Bell J21040 surgical scissors 12.5 curved tip; Golden Bell J21060 surgical scissors 12.5 curved circle; JC2101 coating-free surgical scissors 12.5cm straight tip WD; JC2103 coating-free surgical scissors 12.5cm straight circle WD; JC2104 coating-free surgical shear 12.5cm curved tip WD; JC2106 coating-free surgical shears 12.5cm curved circle WD; JC2107 coating-free surgical scissors 14cm straight tip WD; JC2109 coating-free surgical scissors 14cm straight circle WD; JC2110 coating-free surgical scissors 14cm curved tip WD; JC2112 no coating surgical scissors 14cm curved circle WD; JC2113 coating-free surgical scissors 16cm straight tip WD; JC2115 coating-free surgical scissors 16cm straight circle WD; JC2116 coating-free surgical scissors 16cm curved tip WD; JC2118 coating-free surgical scissors 16cm curved circle WD; JC2119 coating-free surgical scissors 18cm straight tip WD; JC2121 no coating surgical scissors 18cm straight circle WD; JC2122 no coating surgical scissors 18cm curved tip WD; JC2124 no coating surgical scissors 18cm curved circle WD; Contact customer service to get preferential prices!Intersection;
Registration number: Shanghai Rainbow Infrication No. 20140012;