Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Food containers Containers for food

Glass Supplementary Food Fresh Box Baby Baby Baby Children Supplementary Food Tools Sealing Tank Food Steamed Bowl Breeding Microwave Breast Milk

Product information

Code 675281616480
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Status: New
In stock: 87 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 100
Sales volume: 896
Price per 1 piece :
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Set, 240 ml, 180 ml
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Sort by color: Set, 240 ml, 180 ml; Round 240ml*2 scales [2 pieces]; Fang 180ml*2 scales [2 sets]; Fang 520ml new large big baby is enough to eat a single single; Round 400ml new large baby baby is enough to eat; Round 400ml*2 new large babies are enough to eat; Fang 520ml*2 new large babies are enough to eat; Big, 400 ml, 520 ml; 180 ml; 240 ml; 130 ml;