Catalog Tool ادوات وعدد Hand tools, measuring instruments Sockets and accessories Sockets 6-point

Green Forest Electric Wire Blinds Skin Caps Head Drilling Wind Bargaining Terminal Small Inner Hexagonal Big Flying Witch Tool

Product information

Code 673440905538
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 100
Sales volume: 200
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: H4 in the hexagonal wind gun
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Vendor info

Name: 绿林五金专营店
Shop name: 绿林五金旗舰店
Shipping estimate: 4.86
Goods valuation: 4.82
Service evaluation: 4.85
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Sort by color: H4 in the hexagonal wind gun; H5 Inner hexagonal wind gun; H6 hexagonal wind gun; H7 Hexagon Wind Cannon; H8 inner hexagonal wind gun; H9 Hexagon Wind Cannon; H10 in the hexagonal wind gun; H11 in the hexagonal wind gun; H12 inner hexagonal wind gun; H13 Hexagonal Wind Cannon; H14 in the hexagonal wind gun; H15 in the hexagonal wind gun; H16 in the hexagonal wind gun; H17 in the hexagonal wind gun; H18 inner hexagonal wind gun; H19 Inner hexagonal wind gun; H4 hexagonal wind cannon sleeve-2; H5 Hexagonal Wind Cannon sleeve-2 branches; H6 Hexagonal Wind Cannon Set-2 Branch; H7 Hexagonal Wind Cannon sleeve-2 branches; H8 Hexagonal Wind Cannon sleeve-2 branches; H9 Hexagonal Wind Cannon sleeve-2 branches; H10 Inside hexagonal wind gun sleeve-2 branches; H11 in the hexagonal wind gun sleeve-2 branches; H12 inner hexagonal wind gun sleeve-2 branches; H13 Inner Hexagonal Wind Cannon sleeve-2 branches; H14 Hexagonal Wind Cannon sleeve-2 branches; H15 Hexagonal Wind Cannon Set-2 Branch; H16 Hexagonal Wind Cannon Set-2 branches; H17 hexagonal wind cannon sleeve-2; H18 Inner Hexagonal Wind Cannon Set-2 branches; H19 Hexagonal Wind Cannon Set-2 branches;
Brand: Greener/Green Forest;
Model: Green forest sleeve;
Material: High-carbon steel;
Specification: 12.5mm;
Category: Extended;
Formula: Public system;