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I freezer segmentation network cold hidden cabinet inside the basket frame separator, dense network, 62cm layered shelf board partition partition

Product information

Code 673132120067
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Secret Net 1 column 1-22*32
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Vendor info

Name: 桑顿家居
Shop name: 桑顿家居
Shipping estimate: 4.81
Goods valuation: 4.71
Service evaluation: 4.81
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Sort by color: Secret Net 1 column 1-22*32; Secret Net 1 column 2-22*62; Secret Net 1 column 2-22*52; Secret Net 1 column 3-22*73; Secret Net 2 column 1-42*32; Secret Net 2 column 2-42*62; Secret Net 2 column 2-42*52; Secret Net 2 column 3-42*73; Secret Net 3 columns 1-63*32; Secret Net 3 columns 2-63*62; Secret Net 3 columns 2-63*52; Secret Net 3 column 3-63*73; Secret Net 4 column 1-84*32; Secret Net 4 column 2-84*62; Secret Net 4 columns 2-84*52; Secret Net 4 columns 3-84*73; Secret Net 5 column 1-105*32; Secret Net 5 column 2-105*62; Secret Net 5 column 2-105*52; Secret Net 5 column 3-105*73; Secret Net 1 column 2-22*42; Secret Net 1 column 3-22*63; Secret Net 2 column 2-42*42; Secret Net 2 column 3-42*63; Secret Net 1 column 1-22*32 Secret Net 1 Column 2-22*62 Type 1 Column 2-22*52 Type 1 column 3-22*73 Type 2 column 1-42*32 Secret Net 2 Column 2 2-42*62 Secret Net 2 columns 2-42*52 Secret Net 2 columns 3-42*73 Secret Net 3 columns 1-63*32 Sequence 3-63*62 Secret Net 3 columns 2-63*52 denseNet 3-63*73 Secret Net 4 columns 1-84*32 Secret Net 4 columns 2-84*62 Secret Net 4 columns 2-84*52 Secret Net 4 columns 3-84*73 dense net 5 columns 1- 1-105*32 Secret Net 5 columns 2-105*62 Secret Net 5 columns 2-105*52 Secret Net 5 columns 3-105*73 Type 1 column 2-22*42 Sequence 3-22*63 Secret Net2-42*42 Secret Net 2 columns 3-42*63;
Brand: Mulberry;
Material: Metal;
For people: Young man;
Goods number: ST20224271149;