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Import foldable children's tub for new born

Product information

Code 671637374699
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
107.48 $1.19 $
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0.00 $
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1.19 $
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Vendor info

Name: 西_江月
Shop name: Yumakids孕妈宝贝
Shipping estimate: 4.97
Goods valuation: 4.97
Service evaluation: 4.98
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Brand: STOKKE;
Suitable age: For new born; 1 month; 2 month; 3 month; 4 month; 5 month; 6 month; 7 month; 8 month; 9 month; 10 month; 11 month; 12 month; 13 month; 14 month; 15 month; 16 month; 17 month; 18 month; 19 month; 20 month; 21 month; 22 month; 23 month; 2 years; 25 month; 26 month; 27 month; 28 month; 29 month; 30 month; 31 month; 32 month; 33 month; 34 month; 35 month; 3 years; 4 years; 5 years;
Sort by color: [Consult customer service for details on additional purchases]; Standard version [White] Bathtub; Standard version [Lake Green] Bath Bath; Standard version [Transparent Green] Bathtub; Standard version [Transparent Blue] Bathtub; Enlarged version [White] Bathtub; Enlarged version [Transparent Green] Bath Bath; Enlarged version [Transparent Blue] Bath Bath; White set, tub; Two-piece set [Lake Green] Bathtub + Bath rack; Transparent set, tub; Add two-piece set [transparent green] bathtub + bath stand; Add two-piece set [transparent blue] bathtub + bath stand; Three-piece set [white] bathtub + bath rack + vertical rack; Three-piece set [Lake Green] Bathroom + Bath rack + vertical rack; Three-piece set [transparent green] bathtub + bath rack + vertical rack; Three-piece set [transparent blue] bathtub + bath rack + vertical rack;
Goods number: Flexi Bath;
Type of pot: Plastic;