Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Tableware, table Plates, bowls

304 stainless steel pot food -grade house kitchen and basin washing basin baking basin soup bowl rice tao rice lid deepened

Product information

Code 670693474730
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 90000
Sales volume: 90000
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: [Two installations] 201 pot 16cm
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Vendor info

Name: 国货甄选旗舰店
Shop name: 官方国货甄选
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.69
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Sort by color: [Two installations] 201 pot 16cm; [Two installations] 201#【【18cm; [Two installations] 201#【【20cm 20cm; [Two installations] 201#【【22cm 22cm; [Two installations] 201#【【24cm 24cm; [Two installations] 201#【【26cm 26cm; [Two installations] 201#【【28cm; [Two installations] 201#【【30cm 30cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary deepening pot 18cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary deepening pot 20cm; 【SUS304】 Extraordinary deepening pot 22cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary deepening pot 24cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary deepening pot 26cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary deepening pot 28cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary Deep Pot 30cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 18cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 20cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 22cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 24cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 26cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 28cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 30cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 32cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 34cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 36cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 38cm; 【201#Food Grade】 Special thick pot 40cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary deepening pot 32cm; 【SUS304】 Extraordinary deepening pot 34cm; 【SUS304】 Extraordinary deepening pot 36cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary thick pot 38cm; [SUS304] Extraordinary deepening pot 40cm; Pingxian soup basin 16cm; Set, 24cm, 3 piece set; 【SUS304】 Special thick leakage pot 24cm;
Brand: German chef;
Material: Stainless steel;
Pattern: Solid color;
Style: Chinese style;
Geometric: Circular;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Popular elements: Solid color;
Price range: Less than 9.9 yuan;
Goods number: DMJC-0778;
Source of the image: Autonomous real shot;
Number: 1;
Tea tableware process: Matte;
For people: Public;
Whether to: No;