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仁和 Retinoic acid cream official flagship store Medical vitamin A ointment Retinoic acid latex cream Retinoic acid cream Retinoic acid ointment

Product information

Code 669647479431
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Status: New
In stock: 100 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 300
Sales volume: 300
Price per 1 piece :
12.49 $1.71 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Product name: 15g x 3 boxes of Retinoic acid cream [Special stocking]
1.71 $
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Vendor info

Name: 阿里健康大药房
Shop name: 阿里健康大药房
Shipping estimate: 4.90
Goods valuation: 4.87
Service evaluation: 4.89
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Approval Number: State medicine quasi -word H20083262;
Product dosage: Gel agent;
Manufacturer: Guangdong Xiangshan Hall Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;
Product name: 15g; x; 3 boxes; Retinoic acid cream,; 2 boxes; 1 box; _,; +1 box of kernel and adapalin gel 18g,; +1 box of kernel and clindamycin phosphate gel 15g,; +1 box of kernel and metronidazole gel 30g,; +1 Hema Yinglong Urea Cream 10g,; + Vitamin C chewable tablets 30 tablets/box*1 box,; +1 piece of solid silicone gel scar patch,; +Azelaic acid cleansing cream; 20g [improve oily skin],; +Nayan Hyaluronic Acid Dressing 1 piece,; 21 boxes,; +1 box Mingbixin; Penozolitic gel; 15g: 0.75g*1 piece/box,; +; Tongrentang, vitaminised effervescent tablets, 80g; 100 soft capsules for vitamin E on the Neijing,; 1 supplementary VC 20 tablets per piece,; Vitaminised Vitamin E contains niacin, 60 pieces; Vaseline, fruit oil, body milk, 500 ml; Transparent face mask with hyaluronic acid, 5 pieces; 1 bottle of vitamin C chewable tablets 30 tablets,; Vitaminised, 30 pieces; _; +1 box of Renhe Ada Palin Gel 18g; +1 box of kernel and clinithromycin phosphate gel 15g; +1 box of kernel and metronidazole gel 30g; +1 box of Ma Yinglong urea cream 10g; 15g x 3 boxes of Retinoic acid cream [Special stocking]; Cream for beloved, 15g, 2 pieces; 15g x 1 box + 1 box of kernel and adapalin gel 18g [Acne removal CP morning and evening]; 15g x 1 box Retinoic acid cream Spot application to establish tolerance; 15g x 3 boxes + 1 piece of Nayan Hyaluronic Acid Dressing [Acne removal and hydration]; 15g x 1 box + 1 box Mingbixin Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 15g: 0.75g*1 piece/box; Tongrentang, vitaminised effervescent tablets, 15g, 80g; Vitaminised Vitamin E contains niacin, 15g, 60 pieces; 15g x 3 boxes + 1 bottle of vitamin C chewable tablets 30 tablets; 15g x 1 box point coating to establish tolerance; 15G x 2 box couple 2 installation; 15G x 3 box;
Usage: External use;
Drug classification: Non-prescription drugs;
Validity period: 18 month;
Pharmaceutical category: Chemical;
Dose: For details;
Pharmaceutical name: Vitamin A;
Drug Name: Vitamin A;
For people: For details, please refer to the instructions or medical and health professionals guidance; Unlimited;
Pharmaceutical packaging specification: 15g;
Specification: 0.05%*15g*1 support/box;
Disease: Keratosis abnormal disease,; Acne vulgaris,; Keratosis,; Acne; Key abnormal disease; Ordinary acne; Keratin;
Symptom: Keratosis,; Acne,; Acne; Keratin;
Brand: Peace;