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I freezer partition division of the cold cabinet in the cold cabinet storage artifact category shelf partition partition partition partition network

Product information

Code 669522690642
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 7
Price per 1 piece :
43.08 $6.25 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 制 Other sizes can be customized/installed, width, width and replacement)
6.25 $
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Vendor info

Name: 冠腾旗舰店
Shop name: 冠腾旗舰店
Located in: zhejiang
Shipping estimate: 4.83
Goods valuation: 4.72
Service evaluation: 4.79
Add vendor to favourites
Brand: Crown;
Material: Metal;
Applicable space: Living room;
Sort by color: ✅ Other sizes can be customized / length and width can be changed during installation) ✅Heights are available for 32/62CM respectively [1 grid] 32*22*32 [2 grids] 52*22*32 [2 grids] 62*22*32 [3 grids] 73*22*32 [2 grids] 32*42*32 [4 grids] 52*42*32 [4 grids] 62*42*32 [6 grids] 73*42*32 [3 grids] 32*63*32 [6 grids] 52*63*32 [6 grids] 62*63*32 [9 grids] 73*63*32 [4 grids] 32*84*32 [8 grids] 52*84*32 [8 grids] 62*84*32 [12 grids] 73*84*32 [5 grids] 32*105*32【10 grids】52*105*32 【8 grids】62*105*32 【15 grids】73*105*32 【15 grids】73*105*32 【10 grids】32*22*62 【2 grids】52*22*62 【2 grids】62*22*62 【2 grids】73*22*62 【2 grids】32*42*62 【2 grids】32*42*62 【2 grids】73*42*62 【2 grids】62*42*62 【2 grids】73*42*62 【2 grids】32*63*62 【2 grids】32*105*62 【2 grids】52*63*62 【2 grids】62*63*62 【2 grids】73*63*62 【2 grids】32*84*62【Elevate 8 grids】52*84*62 【Elevate 8 grids】62*84*62 【Elevate 10 grids】52*105*62 【Elevate 10 grids】62*105*62 【Elevate 12 grids】73*84*62 【Elevate 15 grids】73*105*62; 制 Other sizes can be customized/installed, width, width and replacement); ✅The heights are 32/62CM respectively available; 【1 grid】32*22*32; 【2 grids】52*22*32; 【2 grids】62*22*32; 【3 grids】73*22*32; 【2 grids】32*42*32; 【4 grids】52*42*32; 【4 grids】62*42*32; 【6 grids】73*42*32; 【3 grids】32*63*32; 【6 grids】52*63*32; 【6 grids】62*63*32; 【9 grids】73*63*32; 【4 grids】32*84*32; 【8 grid】52*84*32; 【8 grid】62*84*32; 【12 grid】73*84*32; 【5 grids】32*105*32; 【10 grids】52*105*32; 【8 grid】62*105*32; 【15 grid】73*105*32; 【1 grid height】32*22*62; 【2 grids for height】52*22*62; 【2 grids for height】62*22*62; 【3 grids for height】73*22*62; 【2 grids for height】32*42*62; 【4 grids for height】52*42*62; 【4 grids for height】62*42*62; 【Elevate 6 grids】73*42*62; 【3 grids for height】32*63*62; 【5 grids for height】32*105*62; 【Elevate 6 grids】52*63*62; 【Elevate 6 grids】62*63*62; 【9 heightened grids】73*63*62; 【Elevate 4 grids】32*84*62; 【Elevate 8 grids】52*84*62; 【Elevate 8 grids】62*84*62; 【10 grids for height】52*105*62; 【10 heights】62*105*62; 【12 grids for height】73*84*62; 【Elevate 15 grids】73*105*62;
For people: Young man;
Size: See details;
Goods number: 4XQ02-BG2-74163;