Catalog Tool ادوات وعدد Electrical Equipment Compressors, Pumps Circulating pumps

Fujiwara four -stroke gasoline pump agricultural irrigation high -voltage high -voltage high -power pump fire high -rise high -rising pumping machine

Product information

Code 669070085881
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 2
Price per 1 piece :
402.77 $231.54 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 2 -inch four -stroke gasoline engine water pump
231.54 $
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Vendor info

Name: 藤原浩海企业店
Shop name: 藤原浩海企业店
Shipping estimate: 4.89
Goods valuation: 4.84
Service evaluation: 4.87
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Brand: Fujiwara/Fujiwara;
Model: WP-40;
Material: Cast iron;
Sort by color: 2 -inch four -stroke gasoline engine water pump; 3 -inch four -stroke gasoline engine water pump; 4 -inch four -stroke gasoline engine water pump; 2 -inch three -diameter single -leaf wheel high pressure pump; 2 -inch three -diameter dual -leaf wheel high -pressure pump; 1-inch two-stroke gasoline engine water pump;
Drive method: Manually;