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Peach Jiao Xueyan Sapgorn Rice Flagship Store Genuine 500g Improved Natural No Insumer -free Tremellaglon

Product information

Code 664415984987
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Status: New
In stock: 10 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 74
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Selected configuration: Package Type: 【3 cans】Peach gum + Snow Swallow + Soap Cork Rice (750g in total)
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Vendor info

Name: 友竹堂旗舰店
Shop name: 友竹堂旗舰店
Located in: Hebei
Shipping estimate: 4.70
Goods valuation: 4.47
Service evaluation: 4.62
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Package Type: 【3 cans】Peach gum + Snow Swallow + Soap Cork Rice (750g in total); 【1 can】Peach gum (250g); 【1 can】Snow Swallow (250g); 【1 can】Soven rice (250g); 【2 cans】Peach gum + Snow Swallow (500g in total); 【2 cans】Peach gum + soapcorn rice (500g in total); 【2 cans】Snow Swallow + Soap Cork Rice (500g in total);