Catalog Goods for child care ,product for expectant motherبضائع العنايه بالاطفال والنساء الحوامل Goods for child care Means for feeding accessories Mixers, blenders, juicers

Japanese children's food scissors for baby for supplementary food, plastic storage box, банка для хранения

Product information

Code 659992553928
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Status: New
In stock: 1 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 2
Price per 1 piece :
7.76 $12.80 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Winnie bears can only be cut pasta and cooked
12.80 $
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Vendor info

Name: r273871783
Shop name: 黑猫日本代购母婴店
Shipping estimate: 4.93
Goods valuation: 4.91
Service evaluation: 4.91
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Sort by color: Winnie bears can only be cut pasta and cooked; Three-eyed monsters can only cut pasta and cooked food; Animal KT cats can only cut pasta and cooked food; Mickey can only cut pasta and cooked food; Plastic scissors cannot be cut raw foods and hard foods; Doctors can only cut pasta and cooked food; Minnie Mickey can only cut pasta and cooked food; Hamburgers can only be cut pasta and cooked; Moomin can only cut pasta and cooked food;