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The excavator crushing hammer pipe folder Hitachi Carter 2 pine modern big arm tube road card buckle cannons single double -hole clip

Product information

Code 655351244436
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Status: New
In stock: 100 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 3
Sales volume: 100
Price per 1 piece :
12.93 $6.90 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: White 3 inch 1 inch 1 inch
6.90 $
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Vendor info

Name: tops混搭
Shop name: 斯普锐德挖机配件
Shipping estimate: 4.85
Goods valuation: 4.82
Service evaluation: 4.84
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Sort by color: White 3 inch 1 inch 1 inch; Milky white 3 consecutive 1.2 inch 1 inch 1 inch; Ony white 3 consecutive 1.2 inches 1.2 inches 1 inches; Maroon 6-minute double-tube clip upper cover; Dark brown 1 inch to 6 minutes double tube clip; Camel color 1 inch double tube clip upper cover; Coffee 1.2-inch upper tube clip upper cover; Light brown 1.2 inch to 1 inch double tube clip; 4 -point short pipe clip; 6 -point short pipe clip; 1 -inch short pipe clip; 1.2 -inch divided into short pipe clip; 4 -point long tube clip; 6 -point long tube clip; 1 inch long tube clamp; 1.2 Point long tube clip; 4 -point single -hole double screw; 6 -point single -hole double screw; 1 -inch single -hole double screw; 4 points dual -hole pipe clip; 6 -point dual -hole pipe clip; 1 -inch double -hole tube clip; 1.2-inch double-hole tube clamp; Two -hole tube clamp one head 4 points, one head, 6 points; Two -hole pipe clamping one head 6 points, one inch 1 inch; 6 points dual -tube with glue; 6 points to one inch of two dual -tube with glue; 1 -inch dual tube coating glue; 3 consecutive clamps 4 minutes, 4 minutes 4 minutes; 3 consecutive clamps 6 points, 6 minutes and 6 minutes; 3 consecutive clamps, 1 inch, 6 points, 6 minutes; 3 consecutive clamps, 1 inch, 6 minutes and 1 inch; White; Cream, white; Off white; Chestnut; Dark brown; Camel; Coffee; Light Brown;
Brand: Splede;
Model: SPRD;
Material: Iron;
Surface treatment: Galvanized;