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Yee turtle frozen turtle turtle Brazilian small turtle feed turtle turtle young turtle food meat grain dried universal grain free shipping

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Code 649781282789
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1000
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: ❤Special offer 130g + dried shrimps [5.5mm | 30% fresh meat]
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Vendor info

Name: 天猫超市
Shop name: 天猫超市
Shipping estimate: 4.89
Goods valuation: 4.87
Service evaluation: 4.89
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Sort by color: ❤Special offer 130g + dried shrimps [5.5mm | 30% fresh meat]; 【❤Free-dried snacks】90g dried shrimp; 【Add to add meat pellets】1.5 small pieces (170g of freeze-dried food) + Send dried shrimp; 【Add to add meat pellets】1.5 small pieces (450g of freeze-dried food) + Send dried shrimp; 【Add meat pellets】3.0 medium pellets (150g of freeze-dried food) + dried shrimps; 【Add meat pellets】3.0 medium pellets (380g freeze-dried food) + dried shrimps; 【Add meat pellets】5.5 large pieces (130g freeze-dried food) + dried shrimps; [Add to add dried shrimp] 210g [1.5 small grains of high calcium grain] + 15g of dried shrimp; 【❤Shop Manager recommends to save 6 yuan】550g【1.5 small grains of high calcium grain】+15g dried shrimps; [Add to add dried shrimp] 210g [3.0 medium-sized high calcium grain] + 15g dried shrimp for free; [Add to add dried shrimp] 500g [3.0 medium-sized high calcium grain] + 15g dried shrimp; [Add to add dried shrimp] 160g [5.5 large grains of high calcium] + 15g dried shrimp for free; [Add to add dried shrimp] 450g [5.5 large high-calcium grains] + 15g dried shrimp; 【500g*2 barrels】3.0 medium particles (10g of turtle bars); 【❤Special offer 220g】1.5mm/Brazilian turtle food [Special offer clearance for 6 months/mind not to take pictures];