Catalog Tool ادوات وعدد Hand tools, measuring instruments Chisels Other

Disassembling copper artifact, disassembling motor and copper special machine, disassembling old motor chisel V -type fork shovel, copper wire electric picks tool

Product information

Code 644303710162
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
23.60 $387.70 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: L49-Mi white extend crescent shovel 400 long
387.70 $
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Vendor info

Name: 初莲家居专营店
Shop name: 初莲家居专营店
Located in: Guangdong
Shipping estimate: 4.93
Goods valuation: 4.91
Service evaluation: 4.89
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Sort by color: L49-Mi white extend crescent shovel 400 long; S49-Red square handle small shovel 50mm 50mm; M75-Pink square handle V-shaped fork; R30-5 pieces to send fan-shaped shovel+black electric pick; M57-dark gray bend shovel hexagonal handle; R76-Light Gray Leap Broken Shell Shovel 400 long; C64-upgraded crescent shovel cut screw hexagonal handle; G15-Crescent shovel cut screw hexagonal handle; D22-Golden 65.95 4-piece set; O25-50 wide small shovel Copper line long hexagonal handle; H23-upgraded 5-piece set hexagonal handle; S11-upgraded fan-shaped 6-piece hexagonal handle; A65-khaki square handle four pits are extended V-shaped; G51-black square handle four pits 3 pieces set; L60-six-piece hexagonal handle; K62-broken shell shovel hexagonal handle; J62-Watermelon red square handle Four pit crescent shovel; I11-upgraded model broken shell shovel hexagonal handle; P66-5 pieces to send fan-shaped shovel+electric pick; O42-Lemon yellow 65.95 type broken shell shovel; D80-upgraded fan-shaped five-piece hexagonal handle; T80-rose red square handle four pits 5 pieces set; N11-Light yellow 65.95 large shovel V-shaped fork; Q81-Geori-colored square handle large shovel 118mm; L49-mi white; Extended crescent shovel 400 long; S49-Red; Square handle spatula 50mm; M75-Pink; Square shank V-shaped fork; M57-Dark Gray; Bending shovel hexagonal handle; R76-light gray; Extended broken shell shovel 400 long; C64-Upgraded crescent shovel cutting screw; Hexagonal handle; G15-crescent shovel cutting screw; D22-Golden; 65.95 type 4-piece set; O25-50 wide small spatula cutting copper wire length; H23-Upgrade 5-piece set; S11-Upgraded Span-shaped 6-piece set; A65-Khaki; Square handle four pits extended V-shaped; G51-black; Square handle four pits 3 pieces set; L60-Six-piece set; K62-Broken Shell Shovel; J62-Watermelon Red; Square handle four-pit crescent shovel; I11-Upgraded Broken Shell Shovel; O42-Lemon Yellow; Type 65.95 shell shovel; D80-Upgraded Span-shaped Five-Piece Set; T80-Rose Red; Square handle four pits 5 pieces set; N11-light yellow; 65.95 large shovel V-shaped fork; Q81-lotus color; 118mm;
Brand: Leader;
Model: 68;
Material: Chromium -chrome alloy steel;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;