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American blue dot tool sleeve converting joint transition header transition head 1/4 to 3/8 to 1/2 small rotation transit large

Product information

Code 644084628176
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Status: New
In stock: 11 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 20
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Small Turn (1 4 Drive 3 8 Suit) BLPAFM1438L
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Vendor info

Name: 花香那海
Shop name: 实宝蓝工具店
Shipping estimate: 5
Goods valuation: 5
Service evaluation: 5
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Sort by color: Small Turn (1 \ 4 Drive 3 \ 8 Suit) BLPAFM1438L; Small transfer (3 \ 8 drive 1 \ 4 sets) BLPAFM3814L; Large transit (3 \ 8 drive 1 \ 2 sets) BLPAFM3812L; Dajian Zhong (1 \ 2 driver turn 3 \ 8 sets) BLPAFM1238; Three use joints (3 \ 8 drive 1 \ 2 sets) BLPSH1238; Rotary header rotor BLPTMBS1414; Small Turn (1 \ 4 drive 3 \ 8 sets); Small transfer (3 \ 8 drive 1 \ 4 sets); Large transit (3 \ 8 drive 1 \ 2 sets); Dajian Zhong (1 \ 2 driver turn 3 \ 8 sets); Three use joints (3 \ 8 drive 1 \ 2 sets); Rotary header -headed rotation;
Brand: Blue dot tool;
Model: BLPAFM1238;
Place of origin: Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions;
Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: Taiwan, China;
Original description

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