Catalog Food and drinks ماكولات ومشروبات Traditional food additives Bee products Other bee products

Exorcotic drugs seduce beeswax bee cage seductive bee water high -tech old three drive bees in the cave to recruit bees to drive bee powder and collect bee

Product information

Code 644050287219
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 10
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Vendor info

Name: 佰康蜂业
Shop name: 佰康蜂业
Shipping estimate: 4.76
Goods valuation: 4.64
Service evaluation: 4.74
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Brand: Gao Lao San;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Province: Guangdong Province;
City: Maoming City;
Storage conditions: Room temperature;
Whether to health food (national food health): No;
Specification: Drive the bee;
Packing: Edible agricultural products;
Net weight: 30g;