All products in this store are authorized by the factory. If you accidentally use pictures of unauthorized products, please let us know and they will be deleted immediately. Thank you.....
All products in this store are authorized by the factory. If you accidentally use pictures of unauthorized products, please let us know and they will be deleted immediately. Thank you^_^:39e5302475894d5c5805ff3e2088a9e8
Hello ~ Welcome to this small shop
After placing an orderGenerally, ship the goods for about 48 hours ~ We will randomly select the warehouse and express delivery with the order address of the pro -pro -ordering address. Do not receive remarks. Special attention: Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, etc.Some products of remote addresses are not shipped if the courier we cooperates is not free of charge. If you can send only EMS or SF freight to pay (our customer service will first contact relatives to agree, please be inconvenient.Intersection(Pay attention to the transshipment warehouse, and the multiple shoots will be sent out in multiple parcels !!!)