Catalog Goods for child care ,product for expectant motherبضائع العنايه بالاطفال والنساء الحوامل Goods for child care For swaddling Oilcloth

十月结晶 Disposable children's sheet for new born for baby, waterproof bed, big mattress, washable

Product information

Code 640750849104
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Status: New
In stock: 137 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 700
Price per 1 piece :
21.52 $42.65 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 【Platinum stocking】Urine cushion medium size 100 tablets
Size: 0x0cm
42.65 $
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Vendor info

Name: 扬州艾美母婴专营店
Shop name: Bangbaby母婴旗舰店
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.76
Service evaluation: 4.78
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Brand: October Crystation;
Size: 0x0cm; 33x45cm; 45x60cm;
Goods number: SY90;
Suitable age: For new born, 9 month, 32 month, 13 month, 20 month, 16 month, 31 month, 17 month, 33 month, 14 month, 15 month, 25 month, 4 month, 11 month, 18 month, 7 month, 1 month, 3 month, 30 month, 10 month, 5 month, 21 month, 35 month, 6 month, 12 month, 34 month, 23 month, 3 years, 19 month, 28 month, 8 month, 2 years, 26 month, 22 month, 27 month, 2 month, 29 month; For new born; 1 month; 2 month; 3 month; 4 month; 5 month; 6 month; 7 month; 8 month; 9 month; 10 month; 11 month; 12 month; 13 month; 14 month; 15 month; 16 month; 17 month; 18 month; 19 month; 20 month; 21 month; 22 month; 23 month; 2 years; 25 month; 26 month; 27 month; 28 month; 29 month; 30 month; 31 month; 32 month; 33 month; 34 month; 35 month; 3 years;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Province: Henan Province;
City: Zhengzhou City;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Types of packaging: Base package, pack;
Sort by color: [Platinum stocking stock] Medium 100 tablets for urine sewage [Platinum upgrade] Medium 6 tablets for urine sewage [Platinum upgrade] Medium 20 tablets for urine sewage [Platinum upgrade] Medium 26 tablets for urine sewage [Platinum upgrade]Medium size 40 tablets for platinum upgrade] Medium size 60 tablets for platinum upgrade [platinum upgrade] Medium size 20 tablets + large 20 tablets [platinum upgrade] Large size 20 tablets for platinum upgrade [platinum upgrade] Large size 20 tablets for platinum upgrade40 tablets [Platinum upgrade] Urine cushion pad large size 60 tablets [Platinum upgrade] Urine cushion pad small size 80 tablets [Platinum upgrade] Urine cushion pad small size 160 tablets; 【Platinum stocking】Urine cushion medium size 100 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Medium size 6 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Medium size 20 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Medium size 26 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Medium size 40 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Medium size 60 tablets; Platinum, big, 20 pieces, 20 pieces; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Large 20 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Large 40 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion Large 60 tablets; 【Platinum Upgrade】Urine cushion 80 tablets small; Platinum, small, 160 pieces; 10 pieces; 20 pieces; 40 pieces; 60 pieces; 80 pieces;