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Product information

Code 628032780914
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 100
Sales volume: 7
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Vendor info

Name: 伊纳宝旗舰店
Shop name: 伊纳宝旗舰店
Located in: Shanghai
Shipping estimate: 4.94
Goods valuation: 4.93
Service evaluation: 4.94
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Remaining shelf life: More than 6 months;
Food: Pure • Mixed flavors (14g*16 pieces); Pure tuna flavor (14g*16 pieces); Pure tuna scallop flavor (14g*16 pieces); Pure Bonito Flavor (14g*16 pieces); Pure Chicken Flavor (14g*16 pieces); Pure Chicken Scallop Flavor (14g*16 pieces); Grain-free wet grain package mixed flavor (3 packs of pure Jilu + 6 packs of grain-free wet grain); Pure • mixed flavor (14g*16 pieces); Tuna flavor (14g*16 pieces); Tuna scallop flavor (14g*16 pieces); bonito flavor (14g*16 pieces); Pure and chicken flavor (14g*16 pieces); Pure and scallop flavor of chicken (14g*16 pieces);
Brand: Inabao;
Goods number: YNB6935296497088;
Pet snack type: Canned food/wet grain bag;
Country of origin: China;
Manufacturer address: Qingdao, Shandong;
Manufacturer name: Qingdao Daojin Food Co., Ltd.;