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304 stainless steel wire rope chuck head U-shaped clamp wire clamp U-shaped fixing lock head buckle m2m4m6m8

Product information

Code 627522849770
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Status: New
In stock: 58763 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: m2
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Vendor info

Name: 迅霸家居旗舰店
Shop name: 迅霸家居旗舰店
Located in: Hebei
Shipping estimate: 4.8
Goods valuation: 4.8
Service evaluation: 4.8
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Sort by color: m2; m3; m4; m5; m6; m8; m10; m12; m14; m16; m18; m20; m22; m24; m26; m30; m32;
Brand: XB/Xunba;
Series: 304;
Model: 304;