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Buy 2 get 1 get 3 get 2 get 2 Silager's doctor 20g antibacterial cream Skin sulfur cream

Product information

Code 624672111508
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Status: New
In stock: 30 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
2.14 $8.40 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 1 piece (about 5% sulfur, buy 2 get 1 get 3 get 2 get 2)
8.40 $
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Vendor info

Name: 康立特医疗器械专营店
Shop name: 康立特医疗器械专营店
Located in: Henan
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.75
Service evaluation: 4.78
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Brand: Poem;
Place of origin: Jiangxi;
Sort by color: 1 piece (about 5% sulfur, buy 2 free 1, get 3 free 2) 1 box (about 10% sulfur, pay attention to the store to get 2 yuan coupons) 3 box (about 10% sulfur, buy 2 free 1) 5 box (about 10% sulfur, buy 3 free 2 free 2) 10 box (about 10% sulfur, buy 5 free 5); 1 piece (about 5% sulfur, buy 2 get 1 get 3 get 2 get 2); 1 box (about 10% sulfur, follow the store to get a coupon of 2 yuan); 3 boxes (about 10% sulfur buy 2 get 1 free); 5 boxes (about 10% sulfur buy 3 get 2 free); 10 boxes (about 10% sulfur buy 5 get 5 get 5 free);
Specification: 20g;
Manufacturer: Jiangxi Xinheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd.;
For people: Unlimited adult;
Health products product name: Choose a doctor (boxed);
Cord: ...;