Catalog Health and Beauty صحه والجمال Decorative cosmetics, perfumes Lip Gloss

Etude House, lip gloss, lipstick for elementary school students, long-term effect, does not fade

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Code 624203687209
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Status: New
In stock: 0 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1
Price per 1 piece :
18.96 $9.68 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: RD302 Duck Blood Red
9.68 $
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Vendor info

Name: 甄选美食家
Shop name: 甄选美食家
Shipping estimate: 4.5
Goods valuation: 4.4
Service evaluation: 4.9
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Sort by color: RD302 Duck Blood Red; RD304 Slightly spicy red; RD305 Medium spicy red; RD306 Spicy Red; RD308 Tomato Red;
Product name: ETUDE HOUSE/Etiti House is spicy ...;
Brand: ETUDE HOUSE/Eti House;
Lip gloss/lip gloss single product: Hotfu hot lip glaze;
Place of origin: China;
Approval Number: Shanghai G Makeup Network Word 2020001153;
Shelf life: 3 years;
Suitable skin: All skin;
Effect: Enhance; Colorful; Lasting;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Whether it is a special use cosmetics: No;
Limited use date range: 2022-01-02 to 2023-01-01;
Texture: Velvet;