Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Kitchen appliances, all for food storage Food Storage Stands for lids, knives

Kitchen -free punching hanging chopping board sticky board lid placed wall -mounted cutting board cutting board setting shelf storage artifact

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Code 624175070737
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: The outstanding quality of the Owan pot lid is recognized by 150,000 fans ⭐
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Name: 653719517
Shop name: 奥佐旗舰店
Located in: Shanghai , Shanghai
Shipping estimate: 4.8
Goods valuation: 4.7
Service evaluation: 4.8
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Brand: Auzzo/Ozo;
Goods number: CFZ_801712B;
Whether to fold: No;
Installation method: Exempt;
Sort by color: ⭐Ozo pot lid stand outstanding quality is recognized by 150,000 fans ⭐ [Gun ash/single-pack] Double-layer M-shaped pot lid stand [Can be placed on the pot lid and cutting board] [Gun ash/single-pack] Double-layer M-shaped pot lidRack [Space Aluminum Anti-corrosion and Anti-rust] [Gun Ash/Two Pack] Double-layer M-shaped pot lid rack [Small body saves space] [Stylish black/Single Pack] Double-layer M-shaped pot lid rack [Boil cover and cutting board are availablePut】【Fashion black/single package】Double-layer M-shaped pot lid rack [Space aluminum anti-corrosion and rust]【Fashion black/two package】Double-layer M-shaped pot lid rack [Small body save space]【Elegant white/single package】Double-layer M-shaped pot lid rack [can be placed on the pot lid and cutting board] [Elegant white/single package] Double-layer M-shaped pot lid rack [Space aluminum anti-corrosion and rust] [Elegant white/two package] Double-layer M-shapedPot lid rack [small figure saves space] [Fashion black] Double-layer pot lid rack with water connection [no hole punching installation] [Fashion black] Three-layer pot lid rack with water connection [no hole punching/punching dual use][Silver texture] Three-layer pot lid rack with water connection [no punching/punching dual use] [Stylish black] pot lid rack with water connection [no punching/punching dual use]Plastic water-connected steel natural color / stainless steel pot lid stand with plastic water-connected fashion black / single layer pot lid stand with grey / multi-function double chopstick drum with water-connected dish fashionable black / multi-function double chopstick drum with water-connected dish elegant white / multi-functionFunctional double chopstick drum with water connection plate gun gray/multi-function knife holder with water connection plate fashion black/multi-function knife holder with water connection plate elegant white/multi-function knife holder with water connection plate gun gray/multi-function knife holder + knife holderCombination Fashion Black/Double Chopstick Drum + Knife Holder Combination Elegant White/Double Chopstick Drum + Knife Holder Combination ⭐Ozo promise: 10-year warranty drop package compensation⭐ Gun gray/Large storage pot lid rack with water connection plate Fashion Black/Large storagePot lid rack with water connection tray elegant white / Large storage pot lid rack with water connection tray gun gray / Large storage pot lid rack spacing custom stylish black / Large storage pot lid rack spacing custom elegant white / Large storage pot lid rack spacingCustom gun grey / Large storage pot lid rack with hook and water connection tray stylish black / Large storage pot lid rack with hook and water connection tray elegant white / Large storage pot lid rack with hook and water connection tray gun grey / Large storage pot lid rack with hook and water connection trayDish with rod with hook large accommodation pot lid rack stylish black/Water connection plate with rod with hook large accommodation pot lid rack elegant white/Water connection plate with rod with hook large accommodation pot lid rack gun gray/Stainless steel single-layer pot lidRack with hook gun grey / stainless steel double-layer pot lid rack with hook gun grey / stainless steel three-layer pot lid rack with hook fashion black / stainless steel single-layer pot lid rack with hook fashion black / stainless steel double-layer pot lid rack with hook fashion black / stainless steel double-layer pot lid rack with hook fashion black /Stainless steel three-layer pot lid rack with hook elegant white / Stainless steel single-layer pot lid rack with hook elegant white / Stainless steel double-layer pot lid rack with hook elegant white / Stainless steel three-layer pot lid rack with hook gun gray / Thickened cutting board rack fashionableBlack/thickened cutting board rack elegant white/thickened cutting board rack texture silver/thickened cutting board rack gun gray/L-shaped pot lid/cutting board rack [no hole installation] Fashion black/L-shaped pot lid/cutting board rack [No hole-punch installation] Elegant white/L-shaped pot lid/cutting board rack [no hole-punch installation]; The outstanding quality of the Owan pot lid is recognized by 150,000 fans ⭐; [Gun ash/single installation] Double -layer M -shaped pot lid [can be placed in pots of pots]; [Gun ash/single installation] Double -layer M -shaped pot cover [Space aluminum anticorrosive corruption and rust prevention]; [Guns/Two Places] Double -layer M -shaped pot lid [Small figure save space]; [Fashion Black/Single Installation] Double -layer M -shaped pot lid [can be placed in pots of pots]; [Fashion Black/Single Installation] Double -layer M -shaped pot cover [Space Aluminum Anti -Corruption and Rust Anti -rust]; [Fashion Black/Two Packs] Double -layer M -shaped pot lid [Small figures save space]; [Elegant white/single installation] Double -layer M -shaped pot lid [can be placed in pots of pots]; [Elegant White/Single Installation] Double -layer M -shaped pot cover [Space Aluminum Antibrite and Rust Anti -rust]; [Elegant White/Two Places] Double -layer M -shaped pot lid [Small figure save space]; [Fashion Black] The upper and lower double -layer pot lid bands are connected [free of hole installation]; [Fashion Black] Three -layer pot lid belt water connection [Double -use for punching/punching]; [Cultivation silver] Three -layer pot lid belt water connection [exemption/dual use of punching/punching]; [Fashion and Black] Pot lid strap watering [Double -use/dual use]; Fashion black/stainless steel pot lid with plastic watering; Steel color/stainless steel pot cover with plastic water; Fashion black/single -layer pot cover; Gray gray/multifunctional double chopstick tube with water disk; Fashion Black/Multifunctional Double Chopsticks Plocks with Water Plate; Elegant white/multifunctional double -chopstick tube with water; Gun gray/multifunctional knife rack with water plate; Fashion Black/Multifunctional Knife Ring with Water Plate; Elegant white/multifunctional knife rack with water plate; Gray -gray/double chopsticks+knife frame combination; Fashion black/double chopsticks+knife frame combination; Elegant white/double chopsticks+knife frame combination; 10 Ouzo promised: 10 years of quality guarantee drop package compensation ⭐; Gray -gray/large container lid rack with water plate; Fashion Black/Large Person Booth Covered River Ribbing Water Plate; Elegant White/Large Person Booth Covered River Rib; Gray -gray/large container lid spacing is customized; Fashion Black/Large Person Boiler Gap Specification Customization; Elegant White/Big Personal Pot Gives Jet Customization; Glutter gray/large container lid with hook with hook with water disk; Fashion Black/Large Person Boilet Covering Hook Banding Water Plate; Elegant White/Large Person Boilet Bid Hook Piece Piece; Gray -gray/water -connecting rod with a hook with hooks to hold a large pot cover; Fashion black/band water plate with a rod with a hook with a large capacity pot cover; Elegant White/Water Plate, Ring Ring with Hook Hook Big Big Boiler; Gray -gray/stainless steel single -layer pot lid band hook; Gray -gray/stainless steel double -layer pot lid band hook; Gray -gray/stainless steel three -layer pot lid band hook; Fashion black/stainless steel single -layer pot lid belt link; Fashion black/stainless steel double -layer pot lid belt hook; Fashion black/stainless steel three -layer pot lid belt link; Elegant white/stainless steel single -layer pot lid belt link; Elegant white/stainless steel double -layer pot lid band hook; Elegant white/stainless steel three -layer pot lid band hook; Gray gray/thick cutting shelf; Fashion Black/Thick Shipboard; Elegant White/Thickening Ship Shelf; Significant silver/thick cutting shelf frame; Gray -gray/L -shaped pot cover/cutting board frame [free punching installation]; Fashion Black/L type pot cover/cutting board frame [free punching installation]; Elegant white/L type pot cover/cutting board frame [free of punching installation]; [Fashion Black] Double -layer pot lid belt water connection [free punching/dual use of punching]; [Cultivation silver] Double -layer caps can be connected to water [free punching/dual use of punching]; [Credit silver] The upper and lower double -layer pot lid bands are connected [free of punching installation]; [Cultivation silver] Pot lid strap watering [Double -use for punching/punching]; [Fashion Black] Simple pot cover/left and right can be adjusted [free punching installation];