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Waterproof universal equipment for swimming, USA

Product information

Code 621523441456
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Status: New
In stock: 10 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1
Sales volume: 27
Price per 1 piece :
21.11 $0.61 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Silicone waterproof headband
0.61 $
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Vendor info

Name: 月之童2008
Shop name: 月之童快乐小屋
Shipping estimate: 4.92
Goods valuation: 4.91
Service evaluation: 4.92
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Sort by color: Silicone waterproof headband; Silicone waterproof Reins leash, pin, 5 pieces; Package A (new waterproof cover 5 battery 3 headband 1); Package B (new waterproof cover 10 battery 5 parafilm 1); 10 new waterproof covers, 1 plate of alkaline battery; 10 new waterproof covers, 15 pieces of alcohol cotton; Original waterproof cover 10+pasmooth 1 battery 5 headband 1; Original waterproof cover 10+headband 1+pasm 1 pack; Alkaline battery 10 boards; Seal film 1 pack/2 rolls 2M; Waterproof polyurethane swimming cap for swimming; Single headband; All-in-one waterproof cover 10; Second-generation ear back machine waterproof cover 10; Silicone swimming cap big boy style; Silicone swimming cap big virgin style; Original waterproof cover 10/pack; Silicone waterproof Reins leash, hairgrip, 5 pieces; Alkaline Battery Version 5; New silicone waterproof covers 5; Send; Reins leash, pin; 10 new waterproof covers; Send 1 plate of alkaline battery; 15 pieces of alcohol cotton; Little child; Female model; Silicone hat; Big boy; Big child and women; Male; Reins leash, hairgrip;
Brand: Card;
Place of origin: China;
Applicable gender: Universal men and women;
Price tag: 98;
Original description

Happy summer tour, sealed waterproof swimming equipment, affordable model, waterproof cover + alkaline swimming battery + sealing film, suitable for all brands of cochlea




Dear friends who received the waterproof set
Steps to use this:
1. The small strips of the parafilm are elongated and wrapped around the cochlea, revealing the microphone
2. Install waterproof sleeve
3. Boys use headbands to fix the waterproof covers with clips
4. Put on the swimming cap at the end


For babies who are in the water for the first time, you can add a layer of sealing film to waterproof it. It can be used in this way when it is dry.