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US version such as new Ageloc firming gel big blue gel brush face brush body SPA machine

Product information

Code 619543721443
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Status: New
In stock: 16 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 700
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Selected configuration: Fragrance: Expired 2024.11
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Vendor info

Name: 大脸猫云云
Shop name: 周家小姐姐的澳洲Nu店
Shipping estimate: 4.98
Goods valuation: 4.98
Service evaluation: 4.98
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Brand: Nuskin;
Ruxin single product: Ageloc firm gel;
Effect: Tight; Deodorant; Go to the orange peel; Firming,; Incense body,; Go to the Orange Pipe Organization;
Place of origin: Australia;
Ingredient: Other/Other;
Types of packaging: Base package, pack;
Whether it is a special use cosmetics: No;
Suitable skin: Any skin;
Fragrance: Expired 2024.11; Expired in 2027;
Product name: Nuskin; Ageloc firm gel;
It is for special use cosmetics: No;