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[英国原装Cyrus one HD赛乐士 发烧合并功放无损带蓝牙耳放唱放USB]

Product information

Code 619018991254
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Status: New
In stock: 9 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 2
Price per 1 piece :
2 747.67 $29.08 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: [颜色分类]: cyrus one hd
29.08 $
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Vendor info

Name: 泽森影音专营店
Shop name: 泽森影音专营店
Located in: Guangdong
Shipping estimate: 5
Goods valuation: 4.98
Service evaluation: 4.98
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[品牌]: CYRUS; [赛乐士];
[型号]: ONE HD; ONE; HD; Cyrus one HD;
[产地]: [英国];
[声道]: 2;
[颜色分类]: [cyrus one hd Cyrus one cyrus one cast one合并功放蓝牙定制搭配]; cyrus; one; hd,; Cyrus; one,; cast,; [one合并功放蓝牙定制搭配]; cyrus one hd; Cyrus one; cyrus one cast;
[生产企业]: [赛乐士有限公司];
[功放类型]: [HIFI功放];
[保修期]: 12 month;
[证书编号]: 2018010802097200;
[证书状态]: [有效];
[产品名称]: [音频功率放大器]; [赛乐士 Cyrus one HD];
[3C规格型号]: ONE HD;