Catalog Home منزل Storage boxes, bags, household, hangers Hooks, hangers, clothes hangers

Hook strong sticky glue wall hanging wall hanging wall load -sucking kitchen, transparent punch -free dormitory paste sticky hook

Product information

Code 618623523512
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Status: New
In stock: 10 PCs
Real weight: 0.1 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1000
Sales volume: 50
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: 10 strong models [Buy 5+5 to get 5]
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Vendor info

Name: 大 宇 日用百货
Shop name: 大 宇 日用百货
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Sort by color: 10 strong models [Buy 5+5 to get 5]; [A total of 20 strong models [Buy 10+10 free]; There are 30 strong models [Buy 15+15 free]; A total of 50 strong models [buy 25+25 free]; A total of 100 strong models [Buy 50+50 to get 50]; A total of 10 thickened models [Buy 5 and get 5 and get 5]; A total of 20 thickened models [Buy 10 and get 10]; A total of 30 thickened models [Buy 15+15 free]; A total of 50 thickened models [Buy 25+25 free]; A total of 10 sums of thick models [buy 5+5 send 5]; A total of 20 sums of thick models [Buy 10 and get 10]; A total of 30 sums of thick models [Buy 15 and get 15 for 15]; A total of 50 sums of thick models [Buy 25 and get 25]; Ten brushes of rust gold [buy 5+5 send 5]; Gold up 20 hooks [Buy 10+get 10]; 10 silver hooks 10 [Buy 5+get 5]; Twenty -silver silver hook [Buy 10+send 10]; Plug, 10 pieces, 5 pieces, 5 pieces; Ten long hooks [buy 5+5 to get 5]; 20 large hooks of long models [Buy 10+get 10]; 10 coffee color hooks; Double-sided tape, 10 pieces; Washbasin, 2 pieces, 1 pieces, 1 pieces; 8 ordinary models;