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Product information

Code 617894928445
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Status: New
In stock: 2 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 2
Sales volume: 12
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Small/Black Shell Inside Red
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Vendor info

Name: gdswjlb
Shop name: 深圳易腾数码
Shipping estimate: 4.81
Goods valuation: 4.77
Service evaluation: 4.81
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Sort by color: Small/Black Shell Inside Red; Large/black shell inner red; Large/blue shell green; Large/infrared shell green; Large/black shell green; Extra large/A large U shield 8 small U shields 14; Extra large/B large U shield 16 small U shield 6; Small/black case; Internal red; Large/black case; Large/blue case; Internal green; Large/infrared case;
Brand: Other/Other;
Model: Complex organizer bag;
Notebook bag size: Other;
Use: Other;
Shape: Other;