Catalog Tableware, kitchenware ادوات طعام ,ادوات مطبخ Disposable tableware Film food

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Code 617453801766
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Status: New
In stock: 388 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 1
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Vendor info

Name: 珩霏熙家居专营店
Shop name: 珩霏熙家居专营店
Located in: Guangdong
Shipping estimate: 4.8
Goods valuation: 4.8
Service evaluation: 4.8
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Number: 1;
Sort by color: Blue; Black; White; Yellow; Red; Burgundy; Gold; Purple; Light grey; Grey; Green; Navy blue; Light green; Light yellow; Violet; Orange; Transparent; Color; Brown; Pink; 30CMx150M [film] About 400g 25CMx200M [cut plastic box + film]; 2019 model 22CMx600M [Membrane] about 1050g 30CMx450M [Membrane] about 1250g 25CMx150M [Membrane]; 2 units of 35CMx550M [film] about 1700g 40CMx500M [film] about 1750g 45CMx450M [film] about 1780g 30CMx200M [cut plastic box + film]; 2019 model 22CMx600M [cut plastic box + film] 30CMx500M [cut plastic box + film] 30CMx400M [cut plastic box + film] 35CMx600M [cut plastic box + film] 30CMx200M [cut paper box + film] 45CMx500M [cut plastic box + film] 30CMx150M [cut paper box + film]】 25CMx200M [Cutting paper box + film] 35CMx300M [Cutting paper box + film] 45CMx600M [Cutting paper box + film] 25CM*400M [Cutting plastic box + film] 25CMx360M [Cutting plastic box] 30CMx360M [Cutting plastic box] 30CMx360M [Film] 40CMx550M [Cutting plastic box + film];
Brand: PAMPAS/Popas;
Place of origin: Chinese mainland;
Size: 28.5cm*750m;
Types of packaging: Box;
Goods number: 1554253287;