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养生堂 Organic Vitamin E, cosmetic capsule, freckle removal

Product information

Code 614267778331
Status: New
In stock: 47 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
42.87 $31.88 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
31.88 $
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Vendor info

Name: 康瑞恒大药房旗舰店
Shop name: 康瑞恒大药房旗舰店
Located in: zhejiang
Shipping estimate: 4.80
Goods valuation: 4.79
Service evaluation: 4.80
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Factory name: Health House Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;
Site: No. 6, Jinniu Road, Jinpan Industrial Park, Haikou City;
Factory contact information: 400-700-6868;
Shelf life: 730 days;
Product name: Organic Vitamin E, capsule;
Brand: Health Hall;
Approval Number: Wei Food Jianzi (2002) No. 0331;
Specifications: 250mg/grain*200 capsules;
Whether to import: No;
Product dosage: Capsule;
Health food product name: Organic Vitamin E, capsule;
Whether to wear a gift box: No;
Edible method and consumption amount: Once once a day, 1 capsule each time;
Precautions: This product cannot replace the drug;
Function: Beauty (dispel melasma), delay aging;
Applicant Chinese name: Health House Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;
Efficacy ingredients/iconic ingredient content: End with 100g;
Unsuitable crowd: Child;
People suitble: Those with melasma, middle -aged and elderly people;
Storage: Seal, avoid light, place a cool and dry place;
Main ingreadient: Organic Vitamin E, seed oil with glycerin;