Catalog Health and Beauty صحه والجمال Means for care of hair, wigs Hair dye and perm Cream

Organic hair dye for gray hair, no hair damage, 80g

Product information

Code 613535022218
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Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 30000
Sales volume: 30000
Price per 1 piece :
32.31 $21.54 $
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0.00 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: No. 2 light orange brown
21.54 $
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Vendor info

Name: 天猫国际进口超市
Shop name: 天猫国际自营全球超级店
Shipping estimate: 4.89
Goods valuation: 4.87
Service evaluation: 4.89
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Brand: Hoyu/Meiyuan;
Hair -dye paste item: Hair dye for gray hair;
Effect: Complementary color;
Place of origin: Japanese;
Cosmetic characteristics: Doining use effect gloss;
Specification: Normal specifications;
Types of packaging: Base package, pack;
Whether it is a special use cosmetics: No;
Product Category: Xuan Ruo hair dye;
Sort by color: No. 3 bright brown 4A Natural gray brown No. 4 light chestnut No. 6 Dark Brown 3C caramel brown 5p Dark brown No. 2 light orange brown; No. 2 light orange brown; No. 3 bright brown; 3C caramel brown; No. 4 light chestnut brown; 4A Natural Gray Brown; 5p deep brown; No. 6 dark brown;