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Creative card holder, badge, keychain

Product information

Code 613337906009
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Status: New
In stock: 9955 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Price per 1 piece :
11.86 $11.83 $
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Selected configuration: Sort by color: Liusha Fish Tail A Blue Bell+Drops Sitting Blue Code
11.83 $
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Vendor info

Name: 萌樱家居旗舰店
Shop name: 萌樱家居旗舰店
Located in: Anhui
Shipping estimate: 4.7
Goods valuation: 4.6
Service evaluation: 4.6
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Sort by color: Liusha Fish Tail A Blue Bell+Drops Sitting Blue Code; Flave Sand Firebird A Powder Bell+Dripping Sprinkle Copycut; Liusha unicorn A white bell+gum sitting white unicorn; Liusha unicorn A white bell+white rope; Flave Sand Firebird A Powder Bell+Pink Rope; Liusha Fish Tail A Blue Bell+Blue Rope; Flavous Sand Fish Tail+Dripping Blue Siter-Blue; Flave Sand Firebird+Dripping Sprinkle Copylon-Pink; Liusha unicorn+ticking white unicorn-silver; Liusha unicorn+white rope-silver; Flat Sand Firebird+Pink Rope-Fan; Liuyan fish tail+blue rope-blue; Flat Sandfish-Blue; Flave Sand Firebird-Fan Fan; Liusha unicorn-Silver; Flave Sand Firebird A Powder Bell; Liusha Fish Tail A Blue Bell; Liusha unicorn A white bell;
Brand: Cute cherry;
Model: 156820276704629_mAbho;
Product: Card holder;
For people: Student;
Original description

Creative Liu Sa card set series, PVC material

You can install a variety of living cards, anti -demagnetization, and anti -survival water

Internal filling liquid is oil

Fashionable and beautiful, immortal explosion table

ThisPVCThe material is a card cover, the card cover is 11cm long, 6.8cm, 1 card with a length of 9cm and 6.2cm wide, with its own neck rope, a keychain on the lane rope, you can directly hang the key.
The card cover protects the magnetic card (prevents demagnetization) and does not affect the magnetism (can be brushed with the cover). If it is stacked together, it is recommended to set the sensing range set by the card machine. If it cannot be brushed out, please adjust the card position or the card machine by yourself. This phenomenon does not belong to the category of quality problems.

The sconces are high-quality soft leather.The parts of the accessories on the card cover are hand-painted. If there is offset printing or not pasting on the edges, it is normal. If you mind, please take care of it.
