Catalog Auto and Moto Products ادوات السيارات والدراجات Motorcycle spare parts and accessories for motorcycles, equipment Moto-equipment Helmets

Off-road half helmet, mountain karting

Product information

Code 610387119859
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Status: New
In stock: 84 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 4000
Sales volume: 4000
Price per 1 piece :
31.24 $2.26 $
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Sort by color: The dumbcase with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove masks
2.26 $
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Vendor info

Name: 普威车品专营店
Shop name: 普威车品专营店
Located in: zhejiang
Shipping estimate: 4.79
Goods valuation: 4.73
Service evaluation: 4.76
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Brand: Orz (helmet);
Model: lx-6;
Certification Information: 3C certification dot; 3C certification,; dot; 3C certification;
Applicable scene: Off -road commuting; Cross -country,; Commute; Off-road;
Head circumference: 53-61cm;
Applied season: Four Seasons Common;
Shape: Half helmet;
For people: Universal;
Material: ABS;
Place of origin: Zhejiang;
Scope: Electric car, bike, karting, electric SUV; Electric car; Bike; Motorcycle,; Karting; Rally off -road vehicle,; Electric Motorcycle; Motorcycle; Rally off -road vehicle;
Weight: 1200g;
Size: 2XL S M L XL; 2XL,; S,; M,; L,; XL; 2XL; S; M; L;
Lens color: None;
Sort by color: The dumbcader with orz cement gray frame wind mirrors send gloves gloves bright gray track with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send gloves and black races with orz black frame gold mirror to give glove gloves, pinkMask black -purple track with ORZ orange frame wind mirror giving gloves white orange track with ORZ orange frame wind mirror giving a glove yellow orange track with orz Hulan frame wind mirror to send gloves with extraordinary red with orz red frame gold mirror to send glove mask extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary extraordinaryBlue ORZ Orange Frame Wind Mirror Glip Gloves Fan Gray with Orz Black Frame Silver Mirror Glip Gloves and ORZ Cement Gray Wind Mirror Send Gloves Limited to Orz Orange Frame Wind Mirror Gloves Gloves with yellow speed with orz black frame silver mirror giving gloves yellowInnovation with orz black frame gold mirror giving glove gloves with dumb black with orz black frame gold mirror giving glove black black frame silver mirror gloves bright black with black frame silver mirror brighten black with orz black frame goldGive a glove glove metal metal gray with orz black frame silver mirror giving gloves with glove cement gray with orz cement gray frame wind mirror giving gloves red line with orz red frame wind mirror giving glove cement gray line with orz cement gray frame wind mirror giving glove red innovation innovation innovationWith Orz red frame wind mirror, giving gloves, white innovation with orz black frame silver mirror giving gloves dumb -gray track with 666 color mirror, gloves, bright gray track with 666 color mirror, gloves, bright black racing, 666 color mirror,Gloves mask powder track with 666 color mirror giving gloves white orange track with 666 color mirror giving gloves black -purple track with 666 color mirror giving glove yellow orange track with 666 color mirrors to give glove cement gray line with 66666Color mirror giving gloves red lines with 666 color mirror giving gloves red innovation with 666 color mirror giving gloves white innovation with 666 color mirror, glove black black with 666 color mirror, gloves bright black with 666 color mirror giving glove maskCement ash with 666 color mirror giving gloves metal gray with 666 color mirror giving gloves and zebra new 666 color mirrors to glove the gloves with 666 color mirror giving glove yellow speed with 666 color mirroSend glove mask with non -Fan ash with 666 -color mirror and send glove mask.; The dumbcase is equipped with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove masks,; Bright gray track with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove masks,; Bright Black Sai Dao with orz black -frame gold mirror to send glove masks,; Pink Said Ways Orz Hulan frame wind mirror to send glove mask,; Black -purple track with orz orange frame wind mirror to send glove mask,; White Orange Circuit with Orz Orange Box Wind Mirror Send Gloves,; Yellow Orange Circuit with Orz Hulan frame wind mirror to send glove masks,; Extraordinary red with orz red frame gold mirror to send glove masks,; Extraordinary Blue Orz Orange Box Wind Mirror Send Gloves,; Extraordinary gray with orz black frame silver mirror to send glove masks,; Zebra, protecting glasses, gloves, mask; Extreme orz orange frame wind mirror to send gloves,; Yellow speed with orz black frame silver mirror to send glove mask,; Huang Chuang with orz black -frame gold mirror to send glove mask,; Dumb black with orz black frame gold mirror to send glove mask,; Dumb black with orz black frame silver mirror to send glove mask,; Bright black with orz black frame silver mirror to send glove mask,; Bright black with orz black frame gold mirror to send gloves,; Metal gray with orz black frame silver mirror to send glove mask,; Cement ash with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove masks,; Line protecting glasses, gloves, mask; Cement gray line with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove masks,; Red innovation with orz red frame wind mirror to send gloves,; Bai Chuang with orz black frame silver mirror to send gloves,; The dumbcader with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Bright gray track with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Bright Black Sai Dao with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Pink Sait Road with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; White Orange Circuit with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Black -purple track with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Yellow Orange Circuit with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Cement gray line with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Red line with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Red innovation with 666 color mirror to send glove mask,; Bai Chuang with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Dumb black with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Bright black with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Cement ash with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Metal ash with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Zebra new 666 color mirror to send glove mask,; Extreme with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Yellow speed with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Extraordinary red with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Extraordinary gray with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Extraordinary blue with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Huang Chuangxin with 666 color mirror to send glove masks,; Single helmet (no gift); The dumbcase with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove masks; Bright gray track with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove mask; Bright Black Sai Dao with orz black frame gold mirror giving glove mask; Pink Said Ways Orz Hulan Box Wind Mirror Send Gloves Flies; Black -purple track with orz orange frame wind mirror to send glove mask; White Orange Circuit with Orz Orange Box Wind Mirror Send Gloves Faculty; Yellow Orange Circuit with Orz Hulan frame wind mirror to send gloves mask; Extraordinary red with orz red frame gold mirror giving a cover cover; Extraordinary Blue Orz Orange Frame Wind Mirror Give Gloves; Extraordinary gray with orz black frame silver mirror to send a cover; Extreme orz orange frame wind mirror giving gloves; Yellow speed with orz black frame silver mirror giving a cover mask; Huang Chuangxin with orz black frame gold mirror to send glove mask; Dumb black with orz black frame gold mirror giving glove mask; Dumb black with orz black frame silver mirror to send glove mask; Bright black with orz black frame silver mirror giving gloves; Bright black with orz black frame gold mirror giving glove mask; Metal gray with orz black frame silver mirror giving a cover cover; Cement gray with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send glove mask; Red Innovation with Orz Red Frame Wind Mirror Send Gloves; Bai Chuang with orz black frame silver mirror giving glove mask; Dumb -off circuit with 666 color mirror to get a cover mask; Bright gray track with 666 color mirror to send a cover mask; Bright Black Sai Dao with 666 color mirror to send a cover mask; Pink Sait Road with 666 color mirror giving glove mask; White Orange Circuit with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Black -purple track with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Yellow Orange Circuit with 666 color mirror to send glove masks; Cement gray line with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Red line with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Red Innovation with 666 Color Mirror Send Gloves Flucks; Bai Chuang with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Dumb black with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Bright black with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Cement gray with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Metal gray with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Zebra new with 666 color mirror giving glove mask; Extreme with 666 color mirror to send glove masks; Yellow speed with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Extraordinary red with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Extraordinary gray with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Extraordinary blue with 666 color mirror to send glove mask; Huang Chuangxin with 666 color mirror giving glove mask; The dumbcader with orz cement gray frame wind mirrors send gloves gloves bright gray track with orz cement gray frame wind mirror to send gloves and black races with orz black frame gold mirror to give glove gloves, pinkMask black -purple track with ORZ orange frame wind mirror giving gloves white orange track with ORZ orange frame wind mirror giving a glove yellow orange track with orz Hulan frame wind mirror to send gloves with extraordinary red with orz red frame gold mirror to send glove mask extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary extraordinaryBlue ORZ Orange Frame Wind Mirror Glip Gloves Fan Gray with Orz Black Frame Silver Mirror Glip Gloves and ORZ Cement Gray Wind Mirror Send Gloves Limited to Orz Orange Frame Wind Mirror Gloves Gloves with yellow speed with orz black frame silver mirror giving gloves yellowInnovation with orz black frame gold mirror giving glove gloves with dumb black with orz black frame gold mirror giving glove black black frame silver mirror gloves bright black with black frame silver mirror brighten black with orz black frame goldGive a glove glove metal metal gray with orz black frame silver mirror giving gloves with glove cement gray with orz cement gray frame wind mirror giving gloves red line with orz red frame wind mirror giving glove cement gray line with orz cement gray frame wind mirror giving glove red innovation innovation innovationWith Orz red frame wind mirror, giving gloves, white innovation with orz black frame silver mirror giving gloves dumb -gray track with 666 color mirror, gloves, bright gray track with 666 color mirror, gloves, bright black racing, 666 color mirror,Gloves mask powder track with 666 color mirror giving gloves white orange track with 666 color mirror giving gloves black -purple track with 666 color mirror giving glove yellow orange track with 666 color mirrors to give glove cement gray line with 66666Color mirror giving gloves red lines with 666 color mirror giving gloves red innovation with 666 color mirror giving gloves white innovation with 666 color mirror giving glove black black with 666 color mirrorsCement ash with 666 color mirror giving gloves metal gray with 666 color mirror giving gloves and zebra new 666 color mirrors to glove the gloves with 666 color mirror giving glove yellow speed with 666 color mirroSend glove mask with non -Fan ash with 666 -color mirror and send glove mask.;
3C certificate number: 2024091105021727;