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999 Total amumedonate oral solution 100ml cold, cough medicine, phlegm viscosity, eliminating phlegm pharmaceutical room

Product information

Code 610234350053
Status: New
In stock: 200 PCs
Approx weight: 0 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 500
Sales volume: 10
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Vendor info

Name: 国胜大药房旗舰店
Shop name: 国胜大药房旗舰店
Located in: Anhui
Shipping estimate: 4.86
Goods valuation: 4.86
Service evaluation: 4.86
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Product name: 999 Aurbinate hydrochloride oral solution 1 ...;
Brand: 999;
Approval Number: State medicine quasi -word H20103009;
Package Type: 100 ml; Standard installation;
Manufacturer: China Resources Sanjiu (Nanchang) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;
Specification: 100ml;
Category: Chemical;
Product dosage: Oral solution;
Usage: Oral;
Dose: For details, see the instructions;
Pharmaceutical name: Auroramide hydrochloride oral solution;
Drug Name: Auroramide hydrochloride oral solution;
Validity period: 36 month;
Drug classification: Non-prescription drugs;
Original description
