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2 pieces of ice -dew powder, beautiful pupils, big mixed -race European and American women half a year throwing day and throwing month throwing small diameter Kalev JL

Product information

Code 610127387522
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Status: New
In stock: 564 PCs
Real weight: 0.065 kg
Sales volume for 30 days: 259
Sales volume: 830
Price per 1 piece :
21.33 $8.17 $
Local delivery:
0.00 $
Quantity: + -
Minimal lot:
Selected configuration: Sort by color: With gem, 14.2mm, 2 pieces
Degree: 0
8.17 $
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Vendor info

Name: 海诺大药房旗舰店
Shop name: 海诺大药房旗舰店
Located in: Qingdao, Shandong , zhejiang
Responses: 301218
Positive: 100.00%
Shipping estimate: 4.86
Goods valuation: 4.78
Service evaluation: 4.83
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Sort by color: With gem, 14.2mm, 2 pieces; Sky Star Blue 14.2mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); Three colors, 14.0mm, 2 pieces; Fruit oil, 14.5mm, 2 pieces; Silver Moon Blue 14.0mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); Ling Luo Blue 14.2mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, send exquisite mirror box if you buy); Small Earth 14.2mm (2 pieces, buy a beautiful mirror box if you buy)); Golden Fan Donaldish gray (2 tablets, buy exquisite mirror box); Gilt Golden Poly Blue 14.2mm (2 pieces, send exquisite mirror box when you buy)); Du Songzi 14.2mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); 14.2mm of ice gray (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); Kumquat frozen brown 14.2mm (2 tablets, buy exquisite mirror box); Gilt Green 14.0mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); Fruit oil, 14.2mm, 2 pieces; Hidden Butterfly Blue 14.0mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); Hidden butterfly brown 14.0mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box); Light ash 14.2mm (2 pieces of packets, buy exquisite mirror boxes); Qing light brown 14.2mm (2 pieces of packets, buy exquisite mirror boxes); Miracle brown 14.0mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); Qingliang Purple 14.2mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy); Gem Brown 14.2mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, get a beautiful mirror box) The Sky Blue 14.2mm (2 pieces, get a beautiful mirror box) Eat three -color gray 14.0mm (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirrors if you buy,Box) Avocado brown 14.5mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, free to get exquisite mirror boxes) Silver Moon Blue 14.0mm (2 pieces, send exquisite mirror boxes) Ling Luo Blue 14.2mm (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirrors if you buy,Box) Small Earth 14.2mm (2 pieces of packets, send exquisite mirror boxes) Golden powder Donaldzor (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror boxes) Gold Gold Pattoo Blue 14.2mm (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror box if you buy) Du Songzi 14.2mm (2 pieces of 2 pieces, free to get exquisite mirror box) ice gray 14.2mm (2 pieces, free exquisite mirror box) kumquat brown 14.2mm (2 tablets, buy exquisite exquisite when buyingMirror box) Gilt Green 14.0mm (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror boxes) Mi Mumu avocado green 14.2mm (2 pieces, free exquisite mirror box) Hidden butterfly blue 14.0mm (2 pieces, buy it, just buy it.Send exquisite mirror box) Hidden butterfly brown 14.0mm (2 pieces, send exquisite mirror boxes) clear gray 14.2mm (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror boxes) Qing Light Brown 14.2mm (2 pieces, buy, buy, buySend the exquisite mirror box) Miracle brown 14.0mm (2 pieces, buy exquisite mirror boxes) Qing Light Purple 14.2mm (2 pieces, send exquisite mirror boxes);
Degree: 0; 100; 125; 150; 175; 200; 225; 250; 275; 300; 325; 350; 375; 400; 425; 450; 475; 500; 550; 600; 650; 700; 750; 800; 0 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 550 600 650 700 750 800;
Brand: OOCLCURFUL/Kalev;
Approval Number: National Weimeian Note 20193161631;
Wearing cycle: Annual throw;
Manufacturer: Gansu Kangshida Technology Group Co., Ltd.;
Diameter: 14.0mm-14.5mm;
Thickness: 0.051mm;
Water: 38%-42%;
Place of origin: China;
Specification: Two pieces;
Insteid lenses and nursing solution products name: Soft hydrophilic contact mirror;
Producer address: High-tech Industrial Park (08), Building 4, Baiyin District, Baiyin District, Gansu Province;